The Resilient Life is a course that gives you the the step-by-step process, community, coaching, accountability, and support necessary to get prepared for the uncertain future.
We all know the world is getting more and more fragile, right?
Between technology dependence, mass urbanization, and increasing government controls… it’s inevitable that future disasters will be both bigger in scale and last longer.
And not only THAT but if you happen to live in or anywhere near one of the “Danger Zone” Counties… you’re in real trouble.
These Counties are the places where masses of fragile people live.
Packed into tight spaces like sardines in a can.
All it takes is about 3 days without food for these places to deteriorate into hell on earth.
I’m talking anarchy, riots, chaos, theft, murder…
Because society’s moral compass gets tossed out the window when you’re starving and frightened.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, right?
Well, what do you think people will do after 3 days without food…
Or worse, 3 days of no food for their kids!
You see, not only are millions of people crammed into just a few square miles, they all are blissfully unaware of how fragile their power, water, gasoline, and food chain systems are.
After only a few days they’ll be forced to abandon these high-density Counties in search of food or water.
And what’s really scary is THEIR fragility (and lack of personal responsibility) makes ALL of us MORE fragile.
If you think such a future is at all possible, you’ll need more than just a rock-solid preparedness foundation …
You’ll also need to build your tower walls, to baton down the hatches.
You must learn how to defend what’s yours, grow and collect your own critical supplies, diversify your money, and create coalitions and backup plans.
Otherwise, all your basic preps will just end up being stolen and consumed by The Fragile Masses.
So, what you need is to invest in your resiliency by joining a group of likeminded folks working towards becoming what I call The Resilient Few.
And that’s why I built this product called The Resilient Life.